B | |
bluetooth [Mindstorm] | |
brick_info [Mindstorm] | |
C | |
conn [Mindstorm] |
Abstract type representing a connection to a LEGOŽ mindstorm
D | |
data [Mindstorm.Sensor] |
Data read from sensors.
E | |
error [Mindstorm] |
Error codes
I | |
in_channel [Mindstorm] |
Handle for reading from the brick.
iterator [Mindstorm.Find] |
An iterator to allow to enumerate files on the brick.
M | |
mailbox [Mindstorm.Message] |
The 10 available mailboxes on the NXT brick.
mode [Mindstorm.Sensor] |
Sensor mode.
O | |
out_channel [Mindstorm] |
Handle for writing data to the brick.
out_flag [Mindstorm] |
The standard NXT firmware requires that executable files and icons
are linear but all other types of files (including sound files)
can be non-contiguous (i.e., fragmented).
P | |
port [Mindstorm.Sensor] |
The four sensor ports, labeled 1 to 4 on the brick.
port [Mindstorm.Motor] |
The three motor ports (immutable).
R | |
regulation [Mindstorm.Motor] |
Regulation mode.
remote [Mindstorm.Message] |
Due to the master-slave relationship, slave devices may not
initiate communication with their master, so they store
outgoing messages in these mailboxes.
run_state [Mindstorm.Motor] |
Specifies how to perform the transition to the new
given in Mindstorm.Motor.state .
S | |
sensor_type [Mindstorm.Sensor] |
Sensor type for a port.
state [Mindstorm.Motor] |
The absolute value of
speed is used as a percentage of the
full power capabilities of the motor.
T | |
t [Mindstorm.Sensor.Ultrasonic] |
Represent an initialized ultrasonic sensor connected to a
given port.
t [Mindstorm.Sensor] | |
U | |
usb [Mindstorm] |