Module Mindstorm.Find

module Find: sig .. end
List files on the brick matching a given pattern.

type iterator 
An iterator to allow to enumerate files on the brick.
val patt : 'a Mindstorm.conn -> string -> iterator
Find.patt conn fpatt returns an iterator listing the filenames mathing the pattern fpatt. The following types of wildcards are accepted:
Raises File_not_found if no file was found
val current : iterator -> string
Find.current i returns the current filename.
val current_size : iterator -> int
Find.current_size i returns the current filename size (number of bytes).
val next : iterator -> unit
Execute a new request to the brick to retrieve the next filename matching the pattern.
Raises File_not_found if no more file was found. When this exception is raised, the iterator is closed.
val close : iterator -> unit
close_iterator i closes the iterator i. Closing an already closed iterator does nothing.
val iter : 'a Mindstorm.conn -> f:(string -> int -> unit) -> string -> unit
iter f fpatt iterates f name size on all the filenames matching the pattern fpatt (see Mindstorm.Find.patt for the accepted patterns).
val map : 'a Mindstorm.conn -> f:(string -> int -> 'b) -> string -> 'b list
map f fpatt maps f name size on all the filenames matching the pattern fpatt and return the list formed of those. (See Mindstorm.Find.patt for the accepted patterns.)
val fold : 'a Mindstorm.conn -> f:(string -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> string -> 'b -> 'b
fold f fpatt a0 folds f on all the filenames matching the pattern fpatt (see Mindstorm.Find.patt for the accepted patterns).